Chapter 151: The Journey South and the Ironclad Resolve


Leggoro Forest and Lord Samaryunju. The last remark he was left with lingered in his head but Lee Sungmin shoved it to the last of his priorities.

He had to go South first.

They need to meet some Natives of the tribes in the South to learn how to deal with the forces, and also to acquire the treasures of Heoju. In the meantime, he also needs to ask a Sorcerer who can answer and heal the curse of Wijihoyeon. It would be a long journey to the South.

The group left the Samaryunju branch and took the train right away. As for yesterdays commotion, Samaryunju had already dealt with it, so the guards at the train station only warned Lee Sungmin and did not pester him.

Dont get in trouble., the ticketing clerk warned.

The Crazy Heavenly Demon wore a complex look on his face that made him look like he was blissful to take the train again but also saddened to leave the city.

You can come again next time., Rubia said.

She sat beside the Crazy Heavenly Demon. Lee Sungmin then helped Wijihoyeon sit next to him as the train engine rumbled to life. Wijihoyeon looked out the window. She didnt say anything and just stared blankly at the passing scenery. She didnt complain about the sudden departure and hid her anxiety well.

Rubia was still a bit dazed. She was still confused how Lee Sungmin knew such a famous martial artist. Not only that, their relationship seemed more than just acquaintances. Rubia remembered how they almost died to the doppelganger of Wijihoyeon in the dungeon and had a tinge of respect and admiration in her eyes.


The Crazy Heavenly Demon opened his mouth. He glanced out of the window, pretended to be solemn, and tried to see Wijihoyeons arm.

Twenty-threeis what he said right? Youre both writing history with these kinds of accomplishments. Even in the Murim, this kind of talent and hard work is rarely seen.

Crazy Heavenly Demon., Wijihoyeon called.

Looking out the window, she moved her gaze to meet the Crazy Heavenly Demon.

Ten years ago, Ive been listening to stories about you since I left Genavis.

What do you think then?

Wijihoyeon spoke informally, but Crazy Heavenly Demon didnt mind it.

Its annoying that Ill overpower you, but I dont think its going to be hard.


Im sure of it. Ive been trying to reach transcendence up until now. Ive been hanging on for decades, but I havent reached it.

Well its as expected., Wijihoyeon murmured.

At Wijihoyeons answer, the Crazy Heavenly Demon burst into laughter accompanied with a less reassuring smile.

It may be impossible now because of your bad health, but if you get better one day, Id love to have a duel with you.

As you wish.

Wijihoyeon then leaned her head against the window. She was extremely conscious of the curse becoming stronger and stronger. Before, it was difficult to move her internal energy and some parts of her body. But now she couldnt even move her fingers, let alone circulate a shred of her internal energy.

It wasnt because of the clash with Ironclad. The wounds and internal injuries from the duel had already healed, Wijihoyeon could feel it. It was the curse that is eating her body from the inside out, faster and faster.

Its hard to maintain consciousness

Thats how it was even now. Drowsiness was settling in like a creeping mouse. She had to bite her lower lip just to force herself to stay awake. Lee Sungmin grasped the back of Wijihoyeons hand. She turned her head slightly to face him, eyes blinking begging for rest.

You can sleep.


She nodded slightly at Lee Sungmins words. It was strange for her, once Lee Sungmin grasped her hands she felt at ease, and she wanted to sleep.


As she realized her thoughts, she closed her eyes in satisfaction and fell asleep.

I feel bad for you., the Crazy Heavenly Demon murmured, I didnt expect that a talented warrior like her would be this helpless. If I were in her position, I would be at worst No, I wouldnt be able to handle first-rate or second-class martial artists with that curse.

Maybe, Lee Sungmin replied.

He then turned his gaze to Wijihoyeons sleeping face and tightly clenched his fists.

I need your help.

Why are you asking that? You know that Im supposed to go South with you. It doesnt mean I wont help you out just because I tag along for my personal reasons.

You might end up fighting the Orthodox practitioners.

Whats wrong with that? You must have forgotten, but my nickname in Eria is Crazy Heavenly Demon. Ive been fighting those goons for decades.

Im talking about Beyond the Heavens.

Thats even better.

The Crazy Heavenly Demon grinned.

I want to see the Master Swordsman Zoan again. Id like to see how much hes improved from 10 years ago.

However, Lee Sungmin didnt want it. He didnt want to meet the head of Beyond the Heavens because he wasnt sure what would happen. Even though Lee Sungmin was at a very high place in the realm of martial arts, he wasnt confident of defending his comrades while fighting with one of the Six Divinities of Transcendence.

The train arrived at the South Gate station. Lee Sungmin carried Wijihoyeon on his back without waking her up from her slumber. The Crazy Heavenly Demon then moved behind Lee Sungmin, while Rubia changed her appearance to a sphere of light and entered Lee Sungmins arms.


Coming out of the South Gate, Yoo Ho-jeong, the Ironclad, was sitting in a corner draped with a shawl. Two days ago, Lee Sungmin defeated Yoo Hojeong at this very place. After that, Yoo Ho-jeong remained at the South Gate without leaving.

Lee Sungmin opened his mouth while watching Yoo Ho-jeong sitting in the corner.

Are you going to stop me?

You cant stop them., uttered Yoo Ho-jeong.

Im not alone, Im with the Crazy Heavenly Demon.

Then why are you here?

Because I have something I want to ask you.

Yoo Ho-jeong neither wore his armor nor he picked up his lance. Instead, the huge lance was leaning stationary against the wall right next to Lee Sungmin. Yoo Ho-jeong asked him, while slowly rising up from his seat.

Are you going to keep protecting the Minor Heavenly Demon?

Yes, to the best of my ability.

Youve told me about her before.

I know.

Its not too late for now. Dont you intend to change your mind?

No., Lee Sungmin declared.

I see., Yoo Ho-jeong nodded his head.

I know my actions to kill a weakened Minor Heavenly Demon were unjustifiable. But, I still knew that and acted. Do you know why I did that?

No, because Wijihoyeon isnt a cruel or vile person.

There is no guarantee that even if the Minor Heavenly Demon had not committed evil acts known, that doesnt mean it hasnt happened or wont happen in the future. She is a young monster that is growing so fast that no one will be able to stop her in a few years.

Thats why you tried to kill her?

I know its unjust and narrow-minded. Maybe its not right. But, again, it could be.

Yoo Ho-jeong reached out his hand and caught the lance next to him.

I guess I cant stop you., Yoo Ho-jeong said, But I have to stop her. Because this is right for me. This is my justice, even if its selfish.

You said you couldnt stop her growth.

I know.

The lance, dyed with light, covered Yoo Ho-jeongs body, and when the light disappeared, Yoo Ho-jeong was wearing the armor that gave him the nickname Ironclad. Yoo Ho-jeong slowly lowered the helmets visor.

Two days ago I wasnt trying to kill you, because I wasnt sure whether it was right or wrong to kill you. But now Im sure. Its right to kill you here and now.

Why do you have to go so far?, Lee Sungmin sighed and exhaled, Im not alone, apart from my proficiency and skill, it will be impossible to kill me. Even if Wijihoyeon hasnt done any evil yet

Didnt you hear? Its a narrow-minded justice.


Yoo Ho-jeong walked forward.

I may not be right to kill the Minor Heavenly Demon in your opinion, but it is right for me to do the same to you and her. Its the right thing to do in my own opinion., Yoo Ho-jeong said.

Narrow-minded, but still honest. What he said was the unshakable belief he kept in his heart. Apart from the will of the Orthodox, the warrior Yoo Ho-jeong was a man of unwavering faith.

Wearing the Ironclad armor, Yoo Ho-jeong struck out with a heavy step. Lee Sungmin knew it was impossible, they couldnt kill him just because hes fighting like this. Nevertheless, Yoo Ho-jeong would die if he kept this up.

Yoo Ho-jeong did not consider Lee Sungmins power to be terrified of the situation yet. He acted out of his own right; or else he would die out of impatience. He was not afraid of death, even though he was weak.

Ugh.Th/e most uptodatš“® nš’vels are published on n0velbj)n(.)co/m

The Crazy Heavenly Demon groaned a little. He sighed, and took a step backward.

Thats the type of answer I dont really like and thats the reason why I dont want to leave my position.

Lee Sungmin didnt want to do the same thing. He didnt enjoy murder. So far, he had always been like that. He didnt kill if he didnt want to. In the sleeping forest, in the dungeon, he thought Jang would be annoyed and would kill him, but he didnt. Through the 2100 years spent in his conscience, his unstable mind became stable as time passed and thats how Lee Sungmin became where he is now.

The Ironclad Yoo Ho-jeong was a man whom he didnt want to kill. Lee Sungmin didnt want to agree with nor deny his beliefs and ideas. He just didnt want to get involved. He only wanted to pass by without problems. But now it seems like he couldnt.

Yoo Ho-jeong was standing in front of Lee Sungmin, obstructing him to the front of the gate. Lee Sungmin entrusted Wijihoyeon to Crazy Heavenly Demon.

[Not fighting and running away is one of our options.]

Are you going to run away?

Heoju murmured, and Yoo Ho-jeong asked the question.

If you run away, I may not be able to chase you right now. But Ill be chasing after you again and again.

Black and white.

If you really want to protect the Minor Heavenly Demon, dont run away. You know whats right, whats wrong, and whats your faith. To not let the Minor Heavenly Demon die. If that is really the case then dont run away, kill me here and go!, Yoo Ho-jeong shouted.

At the same time, he has been accelerating toward Lee Sungmin. Lee Sungmin took out his spear without hesitation.


The collision at close range caused Lee Sungmin to take a half step back. The lance was heavier than it was before, which was under the buff spell two days ago. It was evidence that Yoo Ho-jeong did not go all out at that time.

Was the Minor Heavenly Demon evil? He didnt know. Wijihoyeon in her previous life did not commit any apparent misdeeds, except that she exterminated everyone in the dungeon. Lee Sungmin knows that the killing in the dungeon was done by the Doppelganger of Wijihoyeon, not by Wijihoyeon herself. Lee Sungmin died in his previous life four years after he turned 28 years old and during those four years, Wijihoyeon did not commit a whole lot of evil deeds.

After that? Five years, six years, ten years later. There wasnt any guarantee that Wijihoyeon would stay the same. Because of what might not happen, Yoo Ho-jeong was risking his life to kill Wijihoyeon.

Lee Sungmin was being forced to make a choice. A choice that could not be made while stayingĀ gray. He had to turn black in order to protect Wijihoyeon. He had to be courageous enough to kill Yoo Ho-jeong and antagonize every single Orthodox faction in Murim. Lee Sungmin bit his lower lip. He thrust a heavy stab outwards with the spear.


The spear and the lance collided and clashed against each other. Yoo Ho-jeong did not back down. He bent over and grabbed the lance with both hands. It then hit Lee Sungmin by turning into a huge javelin, then Lee Sungmin made a half crescent arc and pulled the spear upwards. Lee Sungmins upper body fluttered with a dull roar. In that stance, Lee Sungmin shifted his posture by dragging his feet sideways, and shot the spear at Yoo Ho-jeong.

Lets stop this.

Lee Sungmins eyes were cold. He knew it from the previous battle. Yoo Ho-jeong was sincerely trying to kill Lee Sungmin now. He acknowledged, acted and claimed it to be his own justice.

A Faction or a Religion. He didnt want to make that choice. But now, he had to choose. Lee Sungmin had to go through with his own choice. There would be those who believe in their own sense of justice and defend it. And the situation wasnt any better knowing that the hounds of the Orthodox were on their way.

And with that, he made a decision in his heart.

If those who believe in their own sense of faith took their path, and decided the rest as nonsense, then Lee Sungmin would take that path.

Lee Sungmins hands were tainted with the purple aura from the internal energy coursing through his body as he unleashed the Amethyst Cloud Spear Technique and 2-Step Calamitous End, shooting forward the aura pulsating ripples of energy, at the tip of the spear.

Looking at him, Yoo Ho-jeong thought as if Lee Sungmin had blurred out of existence.

Fuck I cant stop this.

At that moment,Yoo Ho-jeong despaired.