Chapter 168: The Silent Roar of Fear


The Monsters movements were not quick, if one were to be completely honest. However, Lee Sungmin was unable to move freely. The vestige of fear in the form of Heoju gave off a tingling feeling to Lee Sungmin inside his dantian.

[Whats wrong? Are you overwhelmed because this old mans power is so strong?], Heoju grinned as he spoke in a sarcastic tone to Lee Sungmin.

Lee Sungmin ignored the sarcastic remark from Heoju. The monster of immortality, as some called it, was really just Heojus vestige remnant that was formed from his collected fear. Against such a foe, the power of the real Heoju stuck within Lee Sungmins dantian boiled with excitement against the opponent.

[Thats just a mere copycat of this old man. Nothing more, nothing less. However its quite sad to see that Henemy was killed by such a piece of trash copycat.], Heoju muttered in disappointment looking at Henemys corpse strewn out across the ground.

The result might have been different if the King of Beasts heart hadnt been pulled out by Kumiho, but Henemy, while they met briefly, was too weak. Even if the opponent was only a remnant of Heojus vestige, it was on its home turf and the pure quantity of fear collected could not be underestimated.

Compared to Amzone, Lee Sungmin thought to himself.

Lee Sungmin pushed his strength into his hand holding the spear. The strongest fight Lee Sungmin had fought till now was against Amzone, one of the Six Divinites, from Beyond the Heavens. Had Amzone tried to kill Lee Sungmin from the start of the battle and not have been careless from pride, he wouldnt have even lasted 10 seconds against him.

So what about now? Since he now had the 3 forces of energy inside his dantian, along with the massive qualitative and quantitative changes from the ginseng and poisons. How would he fare?

He didnt know. In the fight against Amzone, who was well into the transcendent realm, Lee Sungmin had learned quite a bit. It wasnt so much that the flow of energy or amount of it was the important thing in those kinds of fights. It was rather the techniques, how well you used them, and your mentality throughout the fight.

[Its coming.], Heoju spoke as he heard the footsteps of the remnant speed up.Fi𝒏nd 𝒏ew upd𝒂t𝒆s on n/ove/l𝒃in(.)com

Once it started to pick up speed, it charged forward like a rampaging juggernaut.


The ground started to shake and crumble from the force emitted by the monster remnant. A violent red energy enveloped the monster completely and made it look, to one spectating from afar, as if a giant raging bull was burning on fire running at something.


Lee Sungmin stabbed forward with the spear muttering his auxiliary spells beforehand. Was the monster being pushed back? Was it holding its ground? It was neither. The moment Lee Sungmin stabbed forwards, the force against the spear dispersed. But the forceful energy wasnt the only thing that disappeared. Lee Sungmin couldnt see the body of the monster as it disappeared.

An illusion? No, it wasnt like that because Lee Sungmin would have felt it if so. Because of it, Lee Sungmin felt slightly embarrassed, seeing that the monster completely escaped his senses.

[He is a monster you fool! Dont slack off!], Heoju spat out quickly.

Immediately there was a sudden explosion of presence as Lee Sungmin felt the power of Heojus fear remnant reappear.


Without looking back, Lee Sungmin swung the spear in his hand and made a full arc unleashing the Nine Heavenly Spears techniques along with the sinister yokai power from his dantian together.

Nine Heavenly Spears Techniques 5th move : Void Rendering ()

The purple and yellow sparks made a circle around Lee Sungmin and flashed out vibrantly within the forest.

What did you mean earlier?, he asked Heoju rushedly about what he meant earlier.

[Its a unique force that only the greatest monsters can use. It varies upon each individual monster. If you want to survive fighting the Elders of Predator in the future, remember this: dont think of it with human standards and think of it as a bloody brawl where anything can happen.]

Lee Sungmin listened to the advice and quickly imprinted it to memory. Although he was deeply pressured in the fight, Lee Sungmin knew to himself there were a lot of things he didnt know still.

The monster remnant, using the unique force only Heoju could, the disappearance and reappearance technique like a complete ghost. It swung its fist at Lee Sungmin as he parried the first head on with the spear.

Urgh, Lee Sungmin spat out a slight groan from the heavy strike.

He gritted his teeth and endured the shock. The monster lowered its fist and raised his foot in a quick motion. It was simply a kick that was lifted up and stretched, but its power seemed unusual. Lee Sungmin dodged the monsters kick by stepping on the outstretched leg with speed and bounced the spear tip towards the enemys jaw with a red mist from the Blood Gale Nova technique surrounding the tip.


The head of the monster got hit head on and reclined backwards. Then, Lee Sungmin decided it was time to reveal a new technique he had used in Denirs trial where he didnt have to focus on the limits of his internal energy. He was only capable of using it now that his internal energy had doubled to a freakish amount.

Nine Heavenly Spears Techniques 7th move : Fate Severing()


The spear shot out in a straight line and a deep, dark scarlet aura followed the spears trajectory. He wanted to pierce straight through the body of the monster with this monstrous technique. However, its skin was harder than it looked.

[Not yet.], Heoju warned Lee Sungmin.

The monsters movement wasnt impeded in the slightest, even though the spear had shot through its stomach, leaving a gaping hole.

Pao-Ang! Suddenly, the monsters body scattered in the same manner as before, when it had used Heojus unique skill. Once again, as it released this power, Lee Sungmin could not detect its presence with any of his 5 senses. This was the skill of the monster Heoju that had reached the Great Demon Realm.


Lee Sungmin did not just stand there idly. He started to combine the 2 auras from the techniques he started to release. The 2 techniques he was releasing were the best when attacking with the intention of attacking with AOE or Area-of-Effect.

Bloody Heavenly Demon Technique : Blood Ring Smithereens ()

Nine Heavenly Spears Techniques 5th move : Void Rendering ()

Lee Sungmin started to grip the spears shaft loosely and twirled the spear in wide arcs increasing the spears rotation in speed every time it came full arc. The red and gold auras danced and intertwined together to form a beautiful scene to all those spectating but emitted a huge amount of force, seemingly threatening any being that dared to come close.

Everyone who was watching the fight between Lee Sungmin and the monster were stuck in place, completely mesmerized. Albeit the flashy aura coming from the scene, their attacks were simply faithful to their intent of killing the other.

But there was something even more shocking for the martial artists from the Orthodox that were sent to kill Lee Sungmin. They, who had been slaughtered by the unknown entity, Henemy, couldnt even stand face to face with it. But that very entity had been slaughtered by the monster they couldnt even possibly fathom. That monster was fighting the target they were sent to kill on equal terms. No Their target, Lee Sungmin, was seemingly having the upper hand against the monster. How foolish were they?

The monster started to reform its scattered body and re-appeared before Lee Sungmin. The hole that was pierced through its chest had been stitched up sloppily somehow in the time it had disappeared. Lee Sungmin didnt bother with how and why, but rather lunged first to attack, taking the initiative he had been given.

He unleashed a series of quick and precise stabs using the Rana technique at the vital points of the monsters internal energy flow.  The monster stumbled back, but it did not fall. The stab wounds regenerated so fast, as if they were never there in the first place.

The monster of immortality Lee sungmin recalled the words of the sorcerer he had consulted through Erebrisa.

[No, there is no such thing as immortality in this world. Its just a bit tricky to deal with. Unconditional immortality would breach the laws of casualty placed in this world causing something much worse than a mere remnant.], Heoju cut in, shutting down the irrational thought that Lee Sungmin had.

Even Heoju, the old yokai who had reached the Great Demon Realm, and a true monster much stronger than the foe before him, had died.

[Thats just this old mans remnant. It would be absurd if it achieved immortality, which is something even I did not achieve.]

The forest trembled from the constant clashes between them. Lee Sungmin felt his internal energy starting to boil with excitement. The monster stepped back and opened its mouth, but it could not scream. It was just a remnant formed from fear. A mere copycat if one might say.

It was born from complete fear and utter resentment. It had no reasoning or logical judgement.

The monster spread his arms wide and jumped in the air.


Lee Sungmin started to rouse his internal energy and decided to unleash a new move he had not been able to use because of his lack of internal energy. However, now he could completely use it.

(T/N had to cut out some rather vulgar sentences here; its a bunch of sexual jokes between Heoju and Lee S. but, could be disturbing for some viewers.)

The monster, carrying a red, forceful aura behind its back, raised both arms higher. The force of the upward movement shook as the monster moved his arm, then came down on Lee Sungmin. Lee Sungmin lifted the spear upwards to parry the heavy and brutal attack..

[Its only 400 years worth.], Heoju murmured.

Internal energy started to coalesce into the spear made of Orchicalcum. The spear reverberated and shone brightly with a purple sheen.

[It would be 1000 years if you take the total time of my reign. Can you handle that 1000 years of accumulated fear?], Heoju asked Lee Sungmin as he faced the remnant.

Lee Sungmin didnt answer and struck forward with the spear and hooked the monsters arm.

Kying! A huge surge of internal energy followed into the tip of the spear as Lee Sungmin unfolded one of his strongest techniques he knew.

Nine Heavenly Spears Techniques 8th move : Slaughter Spear ()

The monster this time, did not have the time to scatter itself like before. The surging energy started to form a fierce gale as Lee Sungmin stabbed forwards.


The big hole previously opened up by Lee Sungmin started to open up as many other stab wounds started to accumulate. The monsters regeneration started to kick in once more albeit a slower pace than before.

But Lee Sungmin was convinced this monster was no immortal and he would slay it. The spear started to move faster to match the speed of the regenerating wounds. The monster tried to push Lee Sungmin by swinging its arm away from him wildly, but Lee Sungmin shifted his feet and twirled the spear moving the strike like a work of art, avoiding the monsters gesture. The monster noticed this and tried stomping down with its incredible force to level Lee Sungmins balance, but Lee Sungmin was currently in a sort of trance.

Because he was not afraid, Lee Sungmin pushed forwards and was not overpowered by the monsters fear. Because the remnant was connected with Heoju and the yokais powers, Lee Sungmin didnt feel his mentality or spirit collapse, because of the simple connection that allowed Lee Sungmin to feel no fear while facing the monster, it was much easier to wield his techniques and eventually even overpower the monster in their exchanges. If Lee Sungmin had not benefited from this simple connection, the fight would have been much more difficult.

The Orthodox warriors, watching the fight between the two, were now fully aware of how foolish they were. Their perception of the warrior they were chasing and the frightening aspects of the forest they brushed off as stupid rumors had changed drastically. Rather than being afraid of the monsters however, they were frightened by Lee Sungmin who was much stronger than any monster they could think of. Lee Sungmin was gradually weakening the monster before them. 400 year old monster? No, the only monster here was the man they thought they could take down and gain glorious merits and honor.

As the two continued to clash Lee Sungmins left eye seemed to start throbbing.

Quadang bang!

Lee Sungmin shifted the spearhead diagonally and slashed the monsters left leg right off its thigh. The monster was forced to kneel and staggered as it frantically looked at its severed leg that wasnt regenerating,

[Disappointing Hurry and finish that copycat off.], Heoju grumbled in disdain.

Heoju wasnt too happy to see a monster that had taken the physical appearance of himself in such a pitiful state. Even if the one who took it down was Lee Sungmin, the man he was traveling with and gave his legacy to.

[I cant believe youre imitating me when youre so weak. That makes me feel bad.], Heoju said, looking down at the monster in front of him and Lee Sungmin.

Listening to Heojus sour words, Lee Sungmin didnt hesitate any longer and pierced the spear right through the head of the monster. It distorted its body and they scattered for the last time. This time, the remnants monstrous fear and presence finally disappeared without a trace as the monster was finally slain.

The force of the monsters remnant fear started to hover over the body and started to approach Lee Sungmin. He got startled and shifted his steps backwards but Heoju halted him and said it was okay. The force entered his body but it did not get absorbed by his dantian. Instead it went straight to Heoju.

[The remnants fear has only gone back to its original owner. I wish I could swallow the fear in this entire forest but Im not capable of doing so anytime soon as weak as I currently am.], Heoju said to Lee Sungmin explaining what had happened.

[So. What are you going to do now?], Heoju then asked Sungmin as he had finished absorbing the fear leftover.

Lee Sungmin looked back at the surviving warriors of the Orthodox sprawled in fear on the ground a few meters away from him. Although he had finally killed the monster of immortality, and Henemy, the King of monsters had been taken care of by the very remnant. There were still the warriors of the Orthodox, thus it was not over yet.

Are you going to kill us?, Namgung Heewon mustered his courage and asked Lee Sungmin.

Zhuge Taeryong was still sprawled on the ground tense with fear and yet trying to regain his pride. Murong Seojin was so flabbergasted at the situation she had been dragged into and was speechless and it was the same for Dang Ah-hui who was embarrassed for looking so unsightly and realizing how stupid she was.

The other members who had followed along willingly or not, were also tense and listening intently to Namgung Heewons question.

My brother., Lee Sungmin opened his mouth and spoke.

Namgung Heewon smiled at the words Sungmin spoke, as it seemed he might be able to live another day and repent his actions.

Are you going to kill me?, Lee Sungmin asked Heewon, observing his expression.

Why would you ask such a thing when its impossible in the first place?, Namgung Heewon answered with a bitter smile.

Namgoong Heewon was also a peak realm master in his prime years, but he had no confidence in winning against Lee Sungmin.The others might think differently and try to combine their forces foolishly as they werent in their right minds, but Namgoong Heewon knew even if everybody here tried to fight him it would be futile. While fighting that monster, Heewon noticed that Lee Sungmin was quite relaxed fighting such a calamity. Besides that, wasnt there still the Crazy Heavenly Demon?

Id like to get back to work if youre done spouting nonsense., Taeryong butted in foolishly, still trying to regain his arrogant face.

Thats not!, Namgung Heewon shouted out at Taeryongs foolishness as he knew if this fool kept talking he would get them all killed.

Are you begging for your life from the Rogues?!, Taeryong cut him off trying to act high and mighty.

At Zhuge Taeryongs utterly brash response, Namgoong Heewonn sighed deeply. He had enough of this charade. Acting as if he was some righteous knight in shining armor, sucking up playing house with the other heirs and their questionable actions. He turned to Taeryong and his expression finally loosened up as he had come to ease with his emotions finally.

Hey., Heewon said informally to Zhuge Taeryong.

what?, Taeryong looked at Heewon as if he were looking at trash.

Shut up, fucker., Namgung Heewon cursed at Taeryong with a serious face.

But if you looked closely enough there was a brief and short smile creeping at the corner of his lips as Heewon spoke.